903/50 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000

805/220 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000


Our Services

Fernway Engineering provides the full suite of traffic engineering and transport planning services to support your project at every turn. We operate across all States and Territories in Australia.


Traffic Impact Assessments (TIAs)​

Support your development application with a comprehensive traffic study.

Our TIA services are tailored to your needs. At a minimum, all our TIAs include design compliance support to align your development with the AS2890 series requirements and other performance-based and best-practice solutions. We can include a range of additional services if necessary, including swept path analysis, parking and traffic surveys, intersection / network modelling, sustainable travel planning, mechanical parking product assistance and more.

Construction Traffic Management Plans (CTMPs)

Ready to start building? We will work with the builders to develop a CTMP that will minimise safety risks during construction whilst satisfying all relevant Construction Certification requirements for the Certifying Authorities. Where required, we can also provide Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) prepared by suitably qualified professionals.

Car Park Design Reviews & Certifications

Our advice doesn’t stop at compliance – optimising facilities is our forte. We understand that clients demand practical and intelligent solutions to optimise the available space in their development sites. Our team strives to design parking facilities that our clients, their end users, and ourselves can be proud of.

Fernway provides comprehensive design reviews and certifications for the AS2890 series, covering both car parks and servicing areas. We can independently certify car parking designs for all stages of development – Concept Development, Development Application (DA), Construction Certification (CC) and Occupation Certification (OC).

Green Travel Plans (GTPs)

A Green Travel Plan is a package of measures designed to encourage sustainable travel by those accessing your development, be they staff, residents or visitors. They are now a standard requirement for major projects and have become an essential part of the initial planning submission.

At Fernway, we’re big on active transport! Our team has in-house cycling enthusiasts who combine professional experience and personal passion to develop Green Travel Plans with practical benefits tailored to those accessing your development.

Traffic Management Plans (TMPs)

Planning an event? Fernway can provide you with a comprehensive traffic management plan to help it run safely. We will provide all necessary Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) prepared by suitably qualified professionals, and liaise with stakeholders including the local council, state government, local police and fire services, public transport authorities and the local community where needed.

Fernway can also develop site-specific TMPs to aid building managers and strata corporations in improving the safety and efficiency of their car parks and service areas. As well as operational management advice, our TMPs can include advice for upgrading facilities where deemed appropriate. This can include improved line marking and signage arrangements, installation of traffic calming devices, or advice on retrofitting the latest technologies.

Vehicle Swept Path and Ground Clearance Assessments

The vertical clearances and manoeuvrability conditions of vehicles are crucial facets of an optimal car parking design. It becomes even more crucial at vehicular access locations, loading/unloading facilities and high-turnover parking areas.

We can conduct swept paths and vehicle scraping tests to ensure that the largest vehicle expected to use your site can sufficiently manoeuvre within the constraints of the proposed car parking design. Swept paths and vehicle scraping tests may also be used to justify any atypical elements of your car park that do not fall into the usual design standards. Using the latest software tools, we provide cost-effective swept path and vehicle scraping analysis for a wide variety of vehicles (including custom-sized passenger and industrial vehicles).

Active Transport Strategies

At Fernway, we’re big on active transport! Our team has inhouse cycling enthusiasts that combine professional experience and personal passion when dealing with active transport projects. Our team has experience in preparing Active Transport Strategies for local governments, and will take the time to intimately understand the study area by cycling and walking through it with a fresh perspective.

We understand that developing active transport routes isn’t easy, wrestling with budget constraints, physical limitations, and stakeholder expectations. We understand your stakeholders and the typical barriers to getting active transport projects over the line. Fernway can develop practical active transport strategies that can be supported by the local councils, state road authorities and most importantly, your community.

Transport Access Guides (TAGs)

In some cases, Council may require a Transport Access Guide (TAG) for your development application. This is a form of informational media that can be copied and distributed to residents, staff or visitors of the development in the form of a brochure or a travel map. Fernway can develop a tailored solution for you based on your preferred method of distribution.

Loading Dock Management Plans

Loading and servicing vehicle management is an important part of a development. Fernway can provide advice on the management of loading dock operations to minimise disruptions to the local road network and to ensure efficient operations while ensuring the safety of the personnel.

Waste Management Plans (WMPs)

Throughout the years, our skilled team of engineers have assisted a multitude of clients with waste management plans for a range of land uses at various stages (during demolition or construction stages or during on-going use).

We recognise that waste management as a whole has changed greatly with time. This is why we keep on incorporating new methods and developing innovative strategies to take on the modern waste management challenges.

Intersection & Network Modelling

Fernway’s team includes qualified and experienced SIDRA intersection and network modellers. We can arrange the appropriate traffic surveys via recognised third parties and use this data to model and predict the influence of your development on the road network. Where required, we can provide advice on the most suitable and cost-effective mitigation measures to minimise traffic impacts from your development.

Signage & Linemarking Improvement Plans

Is your car park not as user friendly as it could be? Fernway can provide comprehensive signage and linemarking plans to ensure all car park users feel safe and at ease. For most of your customers, the car park will be the first and last experience at your business, so it is very important to make a good impression! Our plans include regulatory-based safety line marking and signage, wayfinding signage, pedestrian separation and more.

Road Safety Investigations and Funding Applications

A road safety investigation may involve a specific intersection, a corridor or an entire road network. Through a comprehensive examination of crash histories, user behaviours, road geometry, traffic facilities and community feedback, a road safety investigation can identify potential road hazards and existing crash patterns. Subsequently, targeted recommendations can be made to most effectively reduce or eliminate these hazards.

These investigations may be used to identify and subsequently seek funding for road safety improvements under Government funding programs, such as through the Australian Government Black Spot (AGBS) program. A road safety investigation, also known as a Safe System Assessment, may also be used to seek funding under a proactive approach, for cases where the crash history may not meet the AGBS eligibility criteria, yet still warrants action.

Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Plans

A Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) plan is a comprehensive strategy developed by transportation authorities to improve road safety, accessibility, and efficiency in a specific local area. It includes measures like traffic calming, pedestrian enhancements, cycling infrastructure, and in some instances, parking management. Community input, data analysis, phased implementation, and ongoing monitoring are key components, ensuring the plan aligns with local needs and evolves over time to create a balanced transportation environment.

Parking Technology Advice

Are you considering adopting parking technologies to help manage your car park? There are many great options emerging in Australia, and they can provide fantastic improvements in parking turnover, squeezing the most out of your parking supply. As an emerging field however, there is limited independent knowledge out there to help you sift through suppliers to find the right technology for you. Our team is fortunate to have intimate knowledge in these technologies and their on-going maintenance and operational requirements. We can assist in developing tender specifications and tender assessments for your organisation.

If you are considering using car stackers or car lifts to maximise the available space of your development, Council may require a management plan demonstrating that it can perform efficiently and safely in lieu of a traditional parking arrangement. Fernway has extensive experience in this area. Where required, our management plans can include vehicle queueing analyses.

Traffic Control Plans (TCPs)

TCPs are typically required for activities such as construction work, road maintenance, events, and other situations that may disrupt normal traffic flow. A TCP outlines how traffic will be managed and controlled in and around a specific worksite or event to ensure the safety of workers, motorists, pedestrians, and other road users. Fernway Engineering team is well versed with national and state/council level regulations and guidelines for the preparation of TCPs.

Parking Demand Assessments

Parking Demand Assessments are required when your proposal cannot provide sufficient car parking spaces on-site. The goal of a Parking Demand Assessment is to identify the peak parking demand generated by a given proposal and to demonstrate that this demand can be accommodated within and around the site without exhausting the overall parking availability. Parking Demand Assessments typically require parking inventory and occupancy surveys. At Fernway, we work with third party survey companies to obtain all necessary data to support your development proposal in the most cost effective way.

Expert Witness Statements

We provide expert witness services in the areas of transport and parking engineering for the purposes of dispute resolution. Our senior engineers are fluent in local and state regulations and industrial practices, have local and state government working experience, and have operated extensively throughout Australia within hundreds of local government areas. Drawing on this experience, Fernway has a history of developing expert solutions and studies that lead to critical resolutions.

Whether you have a question about our services, pricing, projects,
or anything else, our team is ready to answer all your questions.